Mapwoman: The Quest for Insight

In this story map, see how Mapwoman uses GIS to battle extraordinary analytical challenges.

The writer of this article wanted to do something different from a standard product-focused piece, so she loosely outlined her draft around a cartoon-like scenario. I had the idea to make the article into an actual comic strip, focusing it on a character—Mapgirl—that my company was concurrently relaunching as Mapwoman. I tightened up the story line a lot and then broke it down into comic strip-like snippets. I then worked with an illustrator to come up with the eye-catching visuals that took up the whole two-page spread in the print version of the magazine. When it came to getting this online, however, my website didn’t support big, bold visuals. So I used my company’s popular storytelling technology, Esri Story Maps apps, to make my own web page.